Stonewall Jackson at Gettysburg on YouTube
We have a special treat for Stonewall Jackson fans next week. Back in August at the Savas Beatie author get-together in Gettysburg, ECW’s Chris Mackowski popped in to offer a talk about “Stonewall Jackson at Gettysburg.” ECW’s friend Cory Lesmeister recorded the talk and has edited together a pretty nifty video, which he’s been kind enough to share with us.
We’ll premier Cory’s video of Chris’s talk on the ECW YouTube page on Friday, October 22 at 7:00 p.m. EDT. Here’s the link:
Chris’s talk, presented on Benner’s Hill outside of Gettysburg, is based on a pair of blog posts he first wrote back in 2011:
- “If Stonewall Jackson Hadn’t Gotten Shot: Facing the Counterfactual Specter of Stonewall Jackson’s wounding“
- “If Jackson Hadn’t Gotten Shot: Why There’s No Point in Refighting Gettysburg“
You can read more about Stonewall Jackson at Gettysburg in an essay by Chris in The Summer of ’63: Gettysburg and in an essay by Kris White in our upcoming The Great “What Ifs” of the American Civil War, coming later this year from Savas Beatie. Chris and Kris have also written on the topic in Fight Like the Devil: The First Day at Gettysburg, July 1, 1863, also from Savas Beatie.