“The Emerging Civil War Series” Series: Grant’s Left Hook

Writing Grant’s Left Hook was unlike anything I had done before or since.

It started out as an attempt to update the scholarship and combine the best of what William Glenn Robertson and Herbert M. Schiller had done before in their books. (Indeed, Dr. Schiller would eventually provide the foreword for my volume.) My book would discuss things on the tactical, operational, and strategic scale and not neglect the naval and cavalry actions.

However, I found I did not have the time or passion to give the work the full treatment it deserved.

Indeed, my interest in the conflict waned in 2016, and I likely needed a break. However, I had enough research that I wanted to add something original in the form of providing the most up-to-date map and description of battle of Ware Bottom Church and give readers with a passing interest in the campaign a good gateway.

The Bermuda Hundred Campaign deserves it, for it was no simple sideshow, but instead was one of the three major Federal offensives designed to win the war in the summer of 1864. That Butler failed is a major reason the war lasted almost another agonizing year.


Grant’s Left Hook: The Bermuda Hundred Campaign, May 5-June 7, 1864
by Sean Michael Chick
Savas Beatie, 2021

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