The “Emerging Civil War Series” Series: Afterword

Chris Mackowski and Kris White as young(ish) pups, on the first day of release for the first ECWS book, Simply Murder, on December 8, 2012.

On November 1, we kicked off our “Engaging Civil War Series” Series. It’s been like the 12 Days of Christmas that won’t die: a gift that has kept giving and giving and giving! Well, now it’s time to wrap things up. For your handy reference, here’s a list of the blog posts in the order in which the books were published, and just like the books themselves, there are some appendices at the end.

We hope you’ve enjoyed the series, and we hope you continue to enjoy the books. We could not do this without out.

The “Emerging Civil War Series” Series: An Introduction

1) The “Emerging Civil War Series” Series: Simply Murder: The Battle of Fredericksburg

2) The “Emerging Civil War Series” Series: The Last Days of Stonewall Jackson

3) The “Emerging Civil War Series” Series: A Season of Slaughter: The Battle of Spotsylvania Court House

4) The “Emerging Civil War Series” Series: Bushwhacking on a Grand Scale: The Battle of Chickamauga

5) The “Emerging Civil War Series” Series: Bloody Autumn: The 1864 Shenandoah Valley Campaign

6) The “Emerging Civil War Series” Series: Hurricane from the Heavens: The Battle of Cold Harbor

7) The “Emerging Civil War Series” Series: No Turning Back: A Guide to the 1864 Overland Campaign

8) The “Emerging Civil War Series” Series: That Furious Struggle: Chancellorsville and the High Tide of the Confederacy

9) The “Emerging Civil War Series” Series: Calamity in Carolina: The Battles of Averasboro and Bentonville

10) The “Emerging Civil War Series” Series: Dawn of Victory: The Breakthrough at Petersburg

11) The “Emerging Civil War Series” Series: To the Bitter End: Appomattox Court House, Bennett Place, and the Surrenders of the Confederacy

12) The “Emerging Civil War Series” Series: Fight Like the Devil: The First Day at Gettysburg

13) The “Emerging Civil War Series” Series: Strike Them a Blow: Battle Along the North Anna River

14) The “Emerging Civil War Series” Series: The Aftermath of Battle: The Burial of the Civil War Dead

15) The “Emerging Civil War Series” Series: A Want of Vigilance: The Bristoe Station Campaign

16) The “Emerging Civil War Series” Series: Grant’s Last Battle: The Story Behind the Personal Memoirs of Ulysses S. Grant

17) The “Emerging Civil War Series” Series: Hell Itself: The Battle of the Wilderness

18) The “Emerging Civil War Series” Series: Out Flew the Sabres: The Battle of Brandy Station

19) & 24) The “Emerging Civil War Series” Series: A Long and Bloody Task and All the Fighting They Want

20) The “Emerging Civil War Series” Series: Don’t Give an Inch: The Second Day at Gettysburg—from Little Round Top to Cemetery Ridge

21) The “Emerging Civil War Series” Series: The Last Road North: A Guide to the Gettysburg Campaign

22) The “Emerging Civil War Series” Series: Traces of the Bloody Struggle: The Civil War at Stevenson Ridge, Spotsylvania Court House

23) The “Emerging Civil War Series” Series: Determined to Stand and Fight: The Battle of Monocacy

25) The “Emerging Civil War Series” Series: Battle Above the Clouds: Lifting the Siege of Chattanooga and the Battle of Lookout Mountain

26) The “Emerging Civil War Series” Series: Richmond Shall Not Be Given Up! The Seven Days’ Battles

27) The “Emerging Civil War Series” Series: That Field of Blood: The Battle of Antietam

28) The “Emerging Civil War Series” Series: Attack at Daylight and Whip Them: The Battle of Shiloh

29) The “Emerging Civil War Series” Series: To Hazard All: A Guide to the 1862 Maryland Campaign

30) The “Emerging Civil War Series” Series: All Hell Can’t Stop Them: The Battles of Chattanooga: Missionary Ridge and Ringgold

31) The “Emerging Civil War Series” Series: The Great Battle Never Fought: The Mine Run Campaign

32) The “Emerging Civil War Series” Series: Let Us Die Like Men: The Battle of Franklin

33) The “Emerging Civil War Series” Series: Call Out The Cadets: The Battle of New Market

34) The “Emerging Civil War Series” Series: The Most Desperate Acts of Gallantry: George Armstrong Custer in the Civil War

35) The “Emerging Civil War Series” Series: Hellmira: The Union’s Most Infamous Civil War Prison—Elmira, NY

36) The “Emerging Civil War Series” Series: Embattled Capital: A Guide to Richmond in the Civil War

37) The “Emerging Civil War Series” Series: Grant’s Left Hook: The Bermuda Hundred Campaign

38) The “Emerging Civil War Series” Series: Unlike Anything that Ever Floated: The Monitor and Virginia and the Battle of Hampton Roads

39) The “Emerging Civil War Series” Series: A Mortal Blow to the Confederacy: The Fall of New Orleans, 1862

40) The “Emerging Civil War Series” Series: Passing Through the Fire: Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain in the Civil War

41) The “Emerging Civil War Series” Series: Lincoln Comes to Gettysburg: The Creation of the Soldiers’ National Cemetery and the Gettysburg Address

42) The “Emerging Civil War Series” Series: The Carnage Was Fearful: The Battle of Cedar Mountain

43) The “Emerging Civil War Series” Series: Dreams of Victory: P.G.T. Beauregard in the Civil War

*) The “Emerging Civil War Series” Series: Man of Fire: William Tecumseh Sherman in the Civil War

The “Emerging Civil War Series” Series: Designing The Covers

The “Emerging Civil War Series” Series: The Appendices

The “Emerging Civil War Series” Series: And Now a Word from Our Publisher…

1 Response to The “Emerging Civil War Series” Series: Afterword

  1. I have read the First Day of Gettysburg and Antietam, and have Mine Run on the pile of books to read. The Fredericksburg book intrigues me because I spent over an hour last night with ABT videos of Fran O’Reilly and maps of the battle!

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