Year in Review 2021: Top Ten Most-Read ECW Posts of All Time
Before we wrap up our Year in Review, let’s run down one more pair of Top-Ten lists:
- Top Ten Most-Read ECW Posts of 2021
- Top Ten Most-Read ECW Posts of All Time
Get ready for some good reading!
Here are the Top Ten Most-Read ECW Posts of 2021. That’s different from our main countdown, which has looked at the most-read ECW posts written in 2021; the posts on this list come from all across ECW’s timespan.
10) Reactions of Lincoln’s Death by Ashley Webb (April 15, 2015)
9) Buckner Assess Bragg and Longstreet by Chris Kolakowski (February 15, 2021)
8) Annie Brown: The Forgotten Conspirator by Julie Mujic (March 31, 2018)
7) Primary Sources: Slavery as the Cause of the War by Chris Mackowski (January 22, 2019)
6) “Powerful and Determined”: Susie King Taylor and Her Image as Seen by Stephen Restelli by Meg Groeling (February 28, 2019)
5) A Bridge for Whiskey: The 51st Pennsylvania and its Famous Request Examined by Kevin Pawlak (January 28, 2021)
4) What was So Wrong with Slavery by Steward T. Henderson (April 26, 2019)
3) 1861, 2021: The Sound of Conflict, The Voice of Birds by Sarah Kay Bierle (January 6, 2021)
2) Deer Discovery Atop Marye’s Heights by Chris Mackowski (December 22, 2020)
1) Meeting Grant’s Great-Great Grandson by Chris Mackowski (September 1, 2015)
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Here are the the Top Ten Most-Read ECW Posts of All Time. These are the posts that have accumulated the most eyeballs over the length of ECW’s history.
10) History vs. Memory: Statues of Stonewall Offer a Lesson by Chris Mackowski (June 18, 2020)
9) War Chicken by Meg Groeling (February 20, 2012)
8) The Saga of Lt. Gen. A. P. Hill’s Remains Continues by Frank Jastrzembski (July 18, 2020)
7) Reactions of Lincoln’s Death by Ashley Webb (April 15, 2015)
6) When a Monument Cherrypicks Its History by Chris Mackowski (December 15, 2020)
5) Breaking News: Newly Discovered Maps Shows Antietam Burials in Detail by Chris Mackowski (June 16, 2020)
4) Meeting Grant’s Great-Great Grandson by Chris Mackowski (September 1, 2015)
3) When a Monument Gets Its History Wrong by Chris Mackowski (December 11, 2020)
2) What to Do with General Hill’s Remains by Frank Jaszrembski (June 13, 2020)
1) Discoveries in a Civil War Photograph by Jon-Erik Gilot (Oct. 7, 2020)
I’m surprised to see how popular the “Deer Discovery Atop Marye’s Heights” article was. I should write an article on “Transient & Hobo Camp Discovery Atop Marye’s Heights”. While deer is willing to travel closer to Fredericksburg in search of food in the winter…transients will make their camps in the same wooded location in the spring & summer…. in order to be closer to the free social programs handed out at churches & other groups in the downtown Fredericksburg area. Stay on the Marye’s Heights trail and don’t go behind the National Cemetery because it’s not Jackson’s Foot Cavalry on their way to Chancellorsville kids….