Week in Review: August 1-7, 2022


It’s Symposium Week! And we kicked off a blog series connected to the 2022 Symposium theme: What If…?

Monday, August 1:

Question of the Week highlighted places to visit around Stevenson Ridge.

Introducing the What If Series!

Tuesday, August 2:

Patrick Kelly-Fischer reviewed and compared two books: Ways and Means and Bonds of War

What If…John Pope Had Invaded Canada? (Cecily Nelson Zander)

Sarah Kay Bierle posted an update about some technical issues on the blog.

Wednesday, August 3:

Symposium Spotlight: Traffic alert!

A What If Case StudyDunkirk 1940 (Chris Kolakowski)

What If there were What-Ifs on ECW’s YouTube page?

Thursday, August 4:

Sean Michael Chick reviewed Benjamin Butler’s Noisy, Fearless Life.

What If…John Pelham Survived Kelly’s Ford? (Sarah Kay Bierle)

Friday, August 5:

What If Stonewall Jackson had not been shot?—The ECW Version (Chris Mackowski)

Sarah Kay Bierle shared a new primary source anecdote about Joshua L. Chamberlain.

Saturday, August 6:

Saving History Saturday: Adams County Historical Society has a challenge grant.

What if…Garibaldi Had Commanded the Union Army? (David T. Dixon)

Sunday, August 7:

What If...Zachary Taylor was alive during the Civil War? (Frank Jastrzembski)

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