A Recap of Black History Month 2023 at ECW

Before we get too far away from February, we want to recap our coverage for Black History Month 2023:

Feb 10: Brian Swartz wrote about Calvin McRae: “Escaped New Orleans Slave Made a Good Maine Soldier

Feb. 13: Sarah Kay Bierle wrote about James H. Foster: “I Wanted To Be Free

Feb. 25-27: Tim Talbott published a three-part blog series, “From Camp Servants to Soldiers”—parts one, two, and three

And on the ECW YouTube page, we had videos from three ECW Podcasts related to Black History:

Nick Sacco of Ulysses S. Grant National Historic Site spoke about a new exhibit on the history of slavery in the St. Louis area:

Kevin Levin of Civil War Memory talked about the political heat Black history education has been taking lately:

And historian Steve Phan shared the story of Camp Nelson National Monument and its role on the road to freedom:


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