October 2023 Maine at War blog posts
In October 2023 my Maine at War blog reported on topics ranging from the post-death indignity foisted on a Maine veteran to a young soldier whom Confederates shooting fast and accurately could not kill.

A soldier buried in a northwestern Maine “Soldiers’ Lot has suffered an unusual indignity in death. Does the problem reflect something that happened while he was alive?
October 11: The fates of the Fales
Five brothers from the seacoast town of Thomaston joined Maine regiments during the Civil War. Only two brothers came home alive. Only the inscriptions on a family memorial hint at the fates of the other three.
October 18: The Wentworth brothers three
Deep in the forested hills behind Maine’s Midcoast, three white veterans’ headstones stand adjacent in a rural cemetery in the aptly named town of Hope. Those headstones tell a heart-wrenching story to those who will listen.
October 25: It takes more than five bullets to kill this Mainer
Confederates could pump all the lead they wanted into a 19-year-old Mainer taking on an officer’s responsibilities, but nothing kept him from returning to duty.