Culpeper and Civil War Trails – Celebrating Women’s History Month
Press Release
The Town of Culpeper began working with Civil War Trails® in 2023 to develop the story of Cornelia Hancock, a celebrated volunteer nurse who dedicated her life to serving others not only as a nurse during the Civil War, but also as a teacher, author and co-founder of the Children’s Aid Society of Pennsylvania and the Society for Organizing Charity. She was stationed at the Brandy Station, Virginia field hospital and is one of the rare women who lived and worked near the front lines during the war. A new Civil War Trails site is scheduled to be installed at the Shiloh Church in Brandy Station so visitors can stand in the footsteps of this trailblazing women.

Research uncovered Hancock’s experiments with hops and yeast for medicinal purposes. As a nod to this historic detail Sara Thayer, General Manager and owner; Amanda Hook, Event Coordinator and Manger; and Jessica Sheets, Assistant General Manager, from Old Trade Brewery and Cidery in Brandy Station, Virginia recently collaborated to brew Hancock’s Blueberry Hefeweizen to coincide with International Women’s Collaboration Brew Day (March 8th) and Women’s History month (March). As a woman-owned, and predominantly woman-run business, they aim to honor Cornelia and other women this month. Hancock’s Hefeweizen will be released on March 1st in celebration of International Women’s Collaboration Brew Day and International Women’s Day on Friday, March 8.

For additional information or media inquiries:
Nicole Warner, Communications & Marketing Manger
Town of Culpeper Tourism and Economic Development Office | 540-729-4658
I always thought that drinking beer had a salutory medicinal effect … now we know for sure thanks to the efforts of this great American — BZ to Nurse Hancock.
While writing my new book Destiny’s Daughter. Apprentice House Press, Baltimore,.I really wondered whether my topic Mary Edwards Walker, Civil War soldier, America’s first female surgeon, and suffragist was a complete teetotaler. She had such a great friendship with President Lincoln, General Sherman and Burnside as well as soldiers on and off the battlefields. You have convinced me she might have prescribed beer upon occasion. She uged women to learn to listen,. seek a career, learn to listen and recognize their self worth. Her philosophy parallels the goals of women today