Maine at War July 2024 posts
In July 2024 my Maine at War blog covered topics ranging from a Freeport sailor participating in the nighttime amphibious assault on Fort Sumter to the 20th Maine’s affiliation with yet another Round Top to a wife seeking the fate of her missing soldier husband.

July 3, 2024: Chamberlain and the 20th Maine capture another Round Top, part 2
After successfully opposing a Confederate attack on Round Top, Col. Joshua Chamberlain learns that his battered 20th Maine Infantry Regiment must assault Big Round Top after dark. Who’s up there and waiting for the Yankees?
July 10, 2024: Town of Union will rededicate its Civil War monument on July 21
The town of Union, Maine dedicated its Civil War monument on July 4, 1888. As Union celebrates its 250th anniversary this July, townsfolk and Civil War buffs are invited to attend the Sunday, July 21 rededication ceremony for the monument standing on the Town Common.
July 17, 2024: Freeport Sailor versus Fort Sumter, part 1
Blue-water sailor John Monroe Dillingham hailed from Freeport on Casco Bay. Arriving home from a long sea voyage, he joined the Navy, reported aboard the USS Housatonic, and wound up blockading Charleston, South Carolina. Then some ironclads arrived, and scuttlebutt predicted an attack on the Southern port.
July 24, 2024: Freeport sailor versus Fort Sumter, part 2
Freeport sailor John Monroe Dillingham participated in the September 1863 nighttime amphibious assault on Fort Sumter. Defending Confederates repulsed the attackers and captured Dillingham and other Yankees. Life then went swiftly downhill for Dillingham.
July 31, 2024: Where is my husband?
Abial Turner of East Palermo joined the 19th Maine Infantry Regiment and suffered severe leg wounds at Gettysburg on July 2, 1863. Hospitalized at Gettysburg, he vanished afterwards. He never came home. His distraught wife, Sarah, wrote Maine’s adjutant general to find out what had become of Abial.