Announcing Our Symposium Schedule of Events

The Riddick House at Stevenson Ridge
The Riddick House at Stevenson Ridge

We are proud to announce the schedule of events for our Third Annual Emerging Civil War Symposium at Stevenson Ridge. We have an outstanding line up of speakers, and don’t miss Sunday’s walking tour of the Second Fredericksburg battlefield with Chris Mackowski and Kristopher D. White.

Also, be sure to check out our updated symposium pages. We have created new pages with all the information that you will need. There are also new drop-downs at the top of the home page. Just scroll over the 2016 Symposium section of the menu bar to access them.

We look forward to seeing you in August!

Third Annual Emerging Civil War Symposium at Stevenson Ridge
“Great Attacks of the Civil War”

Schedule of Events:

Friday August 5:

5 PM:

-Welcome reception with hors d’oeuvres and cash bar
-Author Book Signings

5:45-6:15 PM:

-David A. Powell: A Primer on Civil War Tactics

6:30-7:30 PM:

-Keynote speaker James OgdenJames Longstreet’s Assault at Chickamauga

7:45-9 PM:

-Author/Speaker Roundtable Discussion Emceed by Chris Mackowski
-Roundtable discussion topics will include our theme, “Great Attacks of the Civil War,” the legacy of these attacks, Lee, Grant, Jackson other personalities, and more.

Saturday August 6:

8:15-8:30 AM:

-Welcome and Registration

8:30 AM:

-Chris Kolakowski: Fire in the Night: The Naval Attack on New Orleans

9:30 AM:

-Ryan Quint: “The slain lay in rows precisely as they stood in their ranks a few moments before”: The Fighting in Antietam’s Cornfield.

10:30 AM:

-Matt Atkinson: Longstreet’s July 2nd Assault at Gettysburg

11:30 PM:

-Kristopher D. White: “The grand old First Corps sweeping behind him as his train”: Longstreet’s Counterattack in the Wilderness

12:30-1:45 PM:


1:45 PM:

-Chris Mackowski:  “A Saturnalia of blood”: The Assault on the Mule Shoe at Spotsylvania Court House

2:45 PM:

-Steve Davis: Hood’s Flank Attack East of Atlanta, July 22, 1864.

3:45 PM:

-Lee White: “Death of an Army” The Army of Tennessee Assault’s at Franklin.

4:45 PM:

-Edward Alexander: A General Assault Against the Rebel Lines: The Federal Breakthrough at Petersburg, April 2, 1865.

5:45-6:15 PM:

-Q & A and presentation wrap up
-Door Prizes
-Author Book Signings

Sunday August 7:

8:30 AM:

Walking Tour of the Second Fredericksburg Battlefield-Marye’s Heights Sector with Chris Mackowski and Kristopher White. Tour departs from Hurkamp Park in Fredericksburg. Tour stops will include the Fredericksburg City Cemetery, the Sunken Road, and Marye’s Heights.

Proceeds from the event support an ECW battlefield preservation project to be announced at the event.


Click here for more information on the event.


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