1860’s Politics: A Conclusion
It’s been a history-making month in modern America with the 2016 Presidential Election, and I think we managed to have some educational fun here on Emerging Civil War with our examination of 1860’s Politics. It’s time to close this political blog series for now. There might be a few “postscripts” or just interesting Civil War political posts appearing in the future, but “1860’s Politics” is concluding today to make room for our usual military history posts (and some historical Thanksgiving cooking!)
What did we learn about Civil War Politics?
There were lots of topics covered by our authors and guest writers. Some common trends were election similarities, “election culture,” and 1860’s political impact. It was great to see these subjects get in the spotlight and discussion of Civil War events.
Personally, I was really excited about “1860’s Politics” and enjoyed watching it unfold on the blog. It interested many readers, and the writers had a good time preparing the topics. Sometimes those topics surprised me – I certainly expanded my knowledge and appreciate of the subjects. One of the best things about blogging is sharing knowledge and getting smarter by reading others’ research and thoughts!
During a divisive time in modern America, it was really neat to see ECW writers finding common ground in historical politics. I hope “1860’s Politics” inspired all our readers and writers to think about the past and the present, enjoy a little “escape” from CNN or Fox News, and learn some interesting facts about America’s past.
I’d love to hear your thoughts on the series in the comments. And leave us a note if you have ideas for other blog series topics? We’re discussing the 2017 schedule and it’s always nice to hear ideas from our readers.
Thanks for reading, commenting, sharing, and enjoying “1860’s Politics”.
One final thought and quote from Abe Lincoln – as relevant today as in 1865:
“With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation’s wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations. (Second Inaugural Address, March 4, 1865).
I was just sorry that ECW’s efforts at Politics Past coincided with Technology Future. There was so much more planned. Well–politics is a constant–in 2 years we have elections again, and hopefully we will be taking a look at the 1862 elections at that point. I have come to realize how important they were to Mr. Lincoln, and how the war was affected as well. Always interesting!
Politics of 1860 was a terrific series that provided solid perspective for the 2016 Presidential campaign. I frequently used examples from the series when talking with family, friends, & acquaintances about our current political situation not being unique. Thank you.
So glad to hear it was helpful and discussion inspiring!