Be of Good Cheer!

I regularly inspect caches of images concerning the Civil War. It is in this way that I have made some amazing finds, most of which are eventually shared here at ECW. In a historic period where it took a few minutes to successfully capture an image, getting one with a natural look was difficult.
Digitalization and coloring have helped make these subjects seem more personable, but rarely is there an image of anyone having a good time. Someone did it, however–perhaps four someones. Every time I look at this assemblage, I smile. I hope you do as well.
Merry Christmas!
Thanks, Meg. It is nice to see some happiness during the war years. Best holiday wishes, …. George
Thanks so much, George. I agree. Those faces make me feel good–or at least better!
I have always wondered of there were ever any photos taken in the 1800s that had people actually SMILING! The vast majority of them from those years and decades shows everyone being so stoic. Glad to see that there were pictures taken that conveyed smiles. Well done…
Finding them put a smile on my face as well. I wish I could remember where I found them . . . I have been hanging onto them for a while.
It has been decided that the “rather dour woman” in the upper right might be taking snuff. I sincerely hope so.