Podcast Additional Resources: “Talking About Primary Sources”

We’ve collected some additional resources related to the ECW Podcast episode that released last week. Did you have a chance to hear it on Patreon?

Chris Mackowski and Kristopher White talked about some of their favorite primary sources and how important documents are used in research.

Since we’ve just spent a whole blog series talking about primary sources, you’ll find links to those archived articles along with a few other favorites from our files and some short videos from American Battlefield Trust about two important primary sources from the Civil War.

Primary Sources – A Series (links to all featured articles in the January 2019 ECW collection)

Mapping his way through the Carolinas: A profile of Major Robert M. McDowell (Part 1)

Mapping his way through the Carolinas: A profile of Major Robert M. McDowell (Part 2)

Watching the “Merrimac”

A Civil War Soldier Reflects on the Comet of 1861

“A Fury Unequaled”: A North Carolinian’s Account of Antietam

General Joshua L. Chamberlain and a Fatherhood Journey

“Day dreams are . . . the amusement of boys”

‘Citizen Archivists’ and Civil War Documents

Kevin Pawlak’s Voices from the Maryland Campaign Series

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