Week In Review: April 1-7, 2019

From a grand joke to the serious history of the breakthrough at Petersburg and the stories from Shiloh, Emerging Civil War brings you another Week in Review of historical perspective, lots of details about the past, and a few announcements about upcoming events.

Monday, April 1:

Question of the Week opened a discussion about the Battle of Shiloh and important battlefield locations.

Sarah Kay Bierle offered a story about returns at a general store. Read to find the punchline…

Chris Kolakowski wrote about Civil War Echoes in the World War II battle of Okinawa.

Tuesday, April 2:

There’s a new ECW Podcast! Are you look for your Civil War ancestors?

Sarah Kay Bierle shared a journal excerpt from Elisha Hunt Rhodes about the breakthrough at Petersburg on April 2, 1865.

Head over to our friend Brian Swartz’s blog and check out his articles about Maine and the Civil War.

Wednesday, April 3:

Symposium Spotlight: The New Market Campaign is more than just Breckinridge and Sigel. Come find out in August 2019 at the ECW Symposium.

Jon-Erik Gilot wrote about Captain Elijah Hobart, too much red tape, and Colonel John Mosby.

Any ECW Speakers coming to your area in the next few weeks? Here’s the schedule.

Thursday, April 4:

Emerging Scholar Series – meet Sam Florer and learn about his research on the Civil War’s affects on Native Americans in South Carolina.

Edward Alexander offered a new map of the breakthrough at Petersburg along with historical details about that important moment.

Friday, April 5:

Kristen Pawlak wrote about the 25th Missouri Regiment at the Battle of Shiloh to kick off that battle anniversary weekend.

ECW Weekender detailed history about Point of Rocks Hospital and how to follow Lincoln’s example for a stroll along the Appomattox River on a pleasant spring day.

Saturday, April 6:

Saving History Saturday highlights some very exciting news from American Battlefield Trust. (Did someone say “Free Book” when you support preservation?)

Chris Kolakowski offered perspective on commanders’ deaths on Civil War battlefields.

Sean Michael Chick shared his research on Preston Pond and the charge at Tilghman’s Branch during the Battle of Shiloh.

Sunday, April 7:

This morning Sean Michael Chick wrote about W. Irving Hodgson and the Washington Artillery at Shiloh.

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