Richmond Reports on General Stuart’s Ride Around McClellan

One of our editors was poking around the other evening and stumbled across announcements of Confederate General J.E.B. Stuart’s famous (or infamous) ride around McClelland during the Peninsula Campaign. Occurring between June 12 and 15, 1862, the ride gathered information about the Army of the Potomac’s right flank and helped cement the working relationship between Lee and Stuart.

Here’s what the Richmond Dispatch reported on June 16, 1862:

Mon, Jun 16, 1862 – Page 2 · Richmond Dispatch (Richmond, Virginia) ·

And not too far behind, the Richmond Enquirer gave a more complete account on June 17, 1862. Apologies if the text is somewhat difficult to read, but we decided it’s unique and special to see the original type and text that would have been read by soldiers and civilians alike!

Tue, Jun 17, 1862 – 1 · Richmond Enquirer (Richmond, Virginia) ·

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