Looking Back: Battle of Franklin

This year Lee White’s book on the Battle of Franklin – Let Us Die Like Men – joined the ECW series. There is also a collection of the blog posts from past years about the battle.

However, on the 155th anniversary of the combat, we thought we would give space to the memories of the battle by Sam Watkin, a Confederate soldiers and writer.


“The death-angel gathers its last harvest.”

Kind reader, right here my pen, and courage, and ability fail me. I shrink from butchery. Would to God I could tear the page from these memoirs and from my own memory. It is the blackest page in the history of the war of the Lost Cause. It was the bloodiest battle of modern times in any war. It was the finishing stroke to the independence of the Southern Confederacy. I was there. I saw it. My flesh trembles, and creeps, and crawls when I think of it today. My heart almost ceases to beat at the horrid recollection. Would to God that I had never witnessed such a scene!

I cannot describe it. It beggars description. I will not attempt to describe it. I could not. The death-angel was there to gather its last harvest. It was the grand coronation of death. Would that I could turn the page. But I feel, though I did so, that page would still be there,
teeming with its scenes of horror and blood. I can only tell of what I saw.

Our regiment was resting in the gap of a range of hills in plain view of the city of Franklin. We could see the battle-flags of the enemy waving in the breeze. Our army had been depleted of its strength by a forced march from Spring Hill, and stragglers lined the road. Our artillery had not yet come up, and could not be brought into action. Our cavalry was
across Harpeth river, and our army was but in poor condition to make an assault. While resting on this hillside, I saw a courier dash up to our commanding general, B. F. Cheatham, and the word, “Attention!” was given. I knew then that we would soon be in action. Forward, march. We passed over the hill and through a little skirt of woods.

The enemy were fortified right across the Franklin pike, in the suburbs of the town. Right here in these woods a detail of skirmishers was called for. Our regiment was detailed. We deployed as skirmishers, firing as we advanced on the left of the turnpike road. If I had not
been a skirmisher on that day, I would not have been writing this today, in the year of our Lord 1882.

It was four o’clock on that dark and dismal December day when the line of battle was formed, and those devoted heroes were ordered forward, to

“Strike for their altars and their fires,
For the green graves of their sires,
For God and their native land.”

As they marched on down through an open field toward the rampart of blood and death, the Federal batteries began to open and mow down and gather into the garner of death, as brave, and good, and pure spirits as the world ever saw. The twilight of evening had begun to gather as a precursor of the coming blackness of midnight darkness that was to envelop a scene so sickening and horrible that it is impossible for me to describe it. “Forward, men,” is repeated all along the line. A sheet of fire was poured into our very faces, and for a moment we halted as if in despair, as the terrible avalanche of shot and shell laid low those brave and gallant heroes, whose bleeding wounds attested that the struggle would be desperate. Forward, men! The air loaded with death-dealing missiles. Never on this earth did men fight against such terrible odds. It seemed that the very elements of heaven and earth were in one mighty uproar. Forward, men! And the blood spurts in a perfect jet from the dead and wounded. The earth is red with blood. It runs in streams, making little rivulets as it flows. Occasionally there was a little lull in the storm of battle, as the men were loading their guns, and for a few moments it seemed as if night tried to cover the scene with her mantle.

The death-angel shrieks and laughs and old Father Time is busy with his sickle, as he gathers in the last harvest of death, crying, More, more, more! while his rapacious maw is glutted with the slain.

But the skirmish line being deployed out, extending a little wider than the battle did–passing through a thicket of small locusts, where Brown, orderly sergeant of Company B, was killed–we advanced on toward the breastworks, on and on. I had made up my mind to die–felt glorious.

We pressed forward until I heard the terrific roar of battle open on our right. Cleburne’s division was charging their works. I passed on until I got to their works, and got over on their (the Yankees’) side. But in fifty yards of where I was the scene was lit up by fires that seemed like hell itself. It appeared to be but one line of streaming fire. Our troops were upon one side of the breastworks, and the Federals on the other. I ran up on the line of works, where our men were engaged.

Dead soldiers filled the entrenchments. The firing was kept up until after midnight, and gradually died out. We passed the night where we  were. But when the morrow’s sun began to light up the eastern sky with its rosy hues, and we looked over the battlefield, O, my God! what did we see! It was a grand holocaust of death. Death had held high carnival there that night. The dead were piled the one on the other all over the ground. I never was so horrified and appalled in my life. Horses, like men, had died game on the gory breastworks. General Adams’ horse had his fore feet on one side of the works and his hind feet on the other, dead. The general seems to have been caught so that he was held to the horse’s back, sitting almost as if living, riddled, and mangled, and torn with balls. General Cleburne’s mare had her fore feet on top of the works, dead in that position. General Cleburne’s body was pierced with forty-nine bullets, through and through. General Strahl’s horse lay by the roadside and the general by his side, both dead, and all his staff. General Gist, a noble and brave cavalier from South Carolina, was lying with his sword reaching across the breastworks still grasped in his hand. He was lying there dead. All dead! They sleep in the graveyard yonder at Ashwood, almost in sight of my home, where I am writing today.

They sleep the sleep of the brave. We love and cherish their memory. They sleep beneath the ivy-mantled walls of St. John’s church, where they expressed a wish to be buried. The private soldier sleeps where he fell, piled in one mighty heap. Four thousand five hundred privates! all lying side by side in death! Thirteen generals were killed and wounded. Four thousand five hundred men slain, all piled and heaped together at one place. I cannot tell the number of others killed and wounded. God alone knows that. We’ll all find out on the morning of the final resurrection.

Kind friends, I have attempted in my poor and feeble way to tell you of this (I can hardly call it) battle. It should be called by some other name. But, like all other battles, it, too, has gone into history.

I leave it with you. I do not know who was to blame. It lives in the memory of the poor old Rebel soldier who went through that trying and terrible ordeal. We shed a tear for the dead. They are buried and forgotten. We meet no more on earth. But up yonder, beyond the sunset and the night, away beyond the clouds and tempest, away beyond the stars
that ever twinkle and shine in the blue vault above us, away yonder by the great white throne, and by the river of life, where the Almighty and Eternal God sits, surrounded by the angels and archangels and the redeemed of earth, we will meet again and see those noble and brave spirits who gave up their lives for their country’s cause that night
at Franklin, Tennessee….

3 Responses to Looking Back: Battle of Franklin

  1. Great writing, wonderful story, it makes us take pause about any war, no matter how noble the cause, and later the justification of that same cause, sometimes forgotten, but us historians, amateur and professional, try to educate, but often glorify these battles as heroic. If religious, they sound like God forgot to protect the men that sacrificed the most, on this Thanksgiving weekend, think of the families that could have been that are not today, because of hate and an ignorance not to think of others, black or white, and the future harm to a developing nation. Where were our leaders, politicians, statesmen from the South or North? Did they sacrifice farm and family due to tradition, or personal greed. I’m not religious myself, so I apologize if I get this wrong, but Jesus/Moses, other prophets and saints, supposedly led us out of bondage(slavery) into a more loving existence. What have we forgotten? God bless.

  2. I remember the account of a Union soldier at Franklin. He said he heard a murmuring sound from the Confederate side. He realized that the Confederates were praying. It was as if they knew what was coming.

  3. Lee did an extraordinary job on this book. I have toured Franklin using it as my guide. It eallybisxtop notch. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for the photos. I don’t ever recall such poor quality reproduction in a modern book. Some of them are so obscured by inferior reproduction as to make them useless. It is especially vexing in a book that I always recommend to visitors to Franklin, the photos do not help them find the locations they are looking for.

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