Week In Review: September 6-13, 2020

It’s been a really full week on the ECW blog! You’ll find several posts by guest authors, meet the newest ECW member, discover some new historical perspectives, and find all the videos from the Virtual Symposium…

Sunday, September 6:

In the evening, the ECW Virtual Symposium announcement for the coming week was posted.

Monday, September 7:

Question of the Week highlighted Confederate ships.

Guest author Abbi Smithmyer evaluated E.P. Alexander’s public and private recollections of the Civil War.

Virtual Symposium: Mark Malloy and The First Shots of the Civil War

Tuesday, September 8:

Chris Mackowksi shared some thoughts about fences and Civil War fiction.

Guest author Michael Singleton wrote about the Shelton Graves along the Appalachian Trail.

Virtual Symposium: Kevin Pawlak and The Wake of Antietam

Wednesday, September 9:

Guest author Jon Tracey shared about the multiple layers of history at Gettysburg’s Oak Ridge.

Guest author Leon Reed wrote about northern attitudes toward slavery as reflected in patriotic covers.

Virtual Symposium: Sarah Kay Bierle and The Boys Who Rode Around McClellan

Thursday, September 10:

Guest author Jon Tracey wrote about the Civilian Conservation Corps at Droop Mountain.

Welcome ECW’s newest member, David T. Dixon!

David Dixon posted about the Georgia homefront during the Civil War and Unionists.

Virtual Symposium: Dan Welch and The Forgotten Flank at Gettysburg

Friday, September 11:

Sarah Kay Bierle added excerpts from an 1862 recruiting meeting hosted by New York Firemen and reflected on first responders’ courage in 2001.

ECW Weekender: Sarah Kay Bierle posted about her recent trip to Belle Isle State Park in Lancaster County, Virginia.

Virtual Symposium: Derek Maxfield and The Union’s Most Infamous Civil War Prison Camp

Saturday, September 12:

Saving History Saturday: Another 2.3 acres saved at Franklin Battlefield!

Kevin Pawlak highlighted how Brooklyn firemen battled the flames during the Antietam Campaign.

Virtual Symposium: Paige Gibbon Backus and The Fight for Life or Death

Sunday, September 13:

This morning Kevin Pawlak wrote about a Union soldier’s motivation during the Maryland Campaign.

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