Week In Review: December 27, 2020 – January 3, 2021
A Week in Review for the Year in Review with additional posts from the What We’ve Learned series, the lost USS Monitor, and Walt Whitman’s perspective on the beginning of the Civil War.
Sunday, December 27:
What We’ve Learned: Dwight Hughes shared his perspective for the new series.
Monday, December 28:
Question of the Week offers an opportunity to add your favorite blog post of 2020 to the Year in Review lists.
Year in Review: #8 most-read blog post
What We’ve Learned: Kristen Pawlak added her thoughts on the ten years between the 150th and 160th anniversaries.
Year in Review: #7 most-read blog post
Tuesday, December 29:
What We’ve Learned: Mike Movius from the CWRT Congress wrote about the challenges for round tables in the last ten years.
Year in Review: Looking back on that 5,000 blog post on ECW that went live this year.
ECW’s December 2020 Newsletter is now available!
Year in Review: #6 most-read blog post
Year in Review: #5 most-read blog post
Wednesday, December 30:
Last days to get Early Bird Tickets for ECW’s 2021 Symposium.
Year in Review: Looking back at the blog series of the 2020!
Year in Review: Historians!
Year in Review: #4 most-read blog post
Thursday, December 31:
Chris Mackowski posted about the loss of the USS Monitor in a storm on December 31, 1862.
What We’ve Learned: Ryan Quint shared his perspective on changes in the history field in the last ten years.
Year in Review: #3 most-read blog post
Year in Review: Applauding our guest authors of 2020!
Year in Review: #2 most-read blog post
Friday, January 1, 2021:
Year in Review: The most-read blog posts of ALL time
ECW Weekender: Mike Movius shared about Fridays with Grant hosted by the CWRT Congress and Dr. E.C. Fields.
Year in Review: #1 most-read blog post of 2020!
Saturday, January 2:
Year in Review: Highlighting the new ECW members of 2020
What We’ve Learned: Jon Tracey added his voice and insight on the last ten years in the history field.
Year in Review: Remembering the life and legacy of historians and writers who passed away in 2020.
Sunday, January 3:
Weekly Whitman: Meg Groeling posted about Whitman’s reaction and poetry for the beginning of the Civil War.