Week In Review: April 19-25, 2021
Wrapping up the “On The Eve Of War” Series and starting “My ECW Story” Series! Then, look for history about David Wilmot, letters and primary source observations, details from Antietam, and mental health crises among Union field officers. Lots to explore on the blog from this week!
Monday, April 19:
Question of the Week: Revolutionary War memory influencing the Civil War…
Guest author Katy Berman shared about David Wilmot and his Proviso.
On The Eve Of War: Florida (Phill Greenwalt)
Tuesday, April 20:
Chris Mackowski added Henry Adam’s observations about Rooney Lee.
Derek Maxfield shared a post-Shiloh letter by William T. Sherman.
On The Eve Of War: Little Round Top & Devil’s Den (Sarah Kay Bierle)
Wednesday, April 21:
Symposium Spotlight: John Pelham’s life, death, and memory will be discussed at the symposium in August 2021.
Introduction for the “My ECW Story” series!
On The Eve Of War: Los Angeles, California (Sarah Kay Bierle)
Thursday, April 22:
Paige Gibbons Backus wrote about her “ECW Story.”
Guest author Cal Schoonover shared his research about soldiers and friends at Antietam.
Frank Jastrzembski posted about suicide among Union brigadier generals and colonels.
Friday, April 23:
Sean Michael Chick reviewed the new book The Impulse of Victory.
ECW Weekender: Bert Dunkerly shared about his visit to Sailor’s Creek battlefield.
On The Eve Of War: Conclusion of the series
Saturday, April 24:
Saving History Saturday: Preservation Award for Shenandoah University and American Battlefield Trust for their work at Cool Spring battlefield.
There’s a new ECW Podcast with Dwight Hughes sharing about the Battle of Hampton Roads and the development of the ironclads.
Sunday, April 25:
Weekly Whitman featured “When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom’d”