Book-o-Rama! ECW authors have been cranking out some great reading material lately
We have had a lot of book action going on here lately at ECW. It’s been hard to keep up with!
I’m proud of all that great work our authors have been doing, so I’ve raided social media to snag a few tidbits that will, I hope, help you celebrate with us. (With a special shout-out here to our friends at Savas Beatie, who’ve been helping us celebrate by giving ECW a lot of love in the past few weeks.)
From Brad and Linda Gottfried:
Our Lincoln book is out, Lincoln Comes to Gettysburg (part of the Emerging Civil War Series), and we are thrilled with it. It tells the compelling story of why the Gettysburg Soldiers’ Cemetery was created and how it was dedicated. We spent considerable space on Lincoln and his visit. Hope you enjoy it!
Support “independent publishing” and buy direct from our publisher at and they will include a signed author book plate at no extra charge.
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From Savas Beatie:
LOOKING FORWARD TO releasing Cedar Mountain to Antietam: A Civil War Campaign History of the Union XII Corps this Fall. To tide you over, check out this series of guest blog posts on ECW by author Chris Bryan:
- Part 1:
- Part 2:
- Part 3:
- Part 4:
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Author Meg Groeling has been feeling poorly lately, but we cheered her up by letting her know that her book has been selected by the HISTORY AND MILITARY BOOK CLUBS. Nice job, Meg.
Goes to the printer end of the first week of August. Out in late October.
As always thanks for your support.
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LOVE OUR AUTHOR SIGNING PHOTOS: Here, you see Phillip Greenwalt signing copies of his latest release, The Winter That Won the War: The Winter Encampment at Valley Forge.
We just received some high praise for this title from an American Revolutionary War Round Table member, which is appropriate to share:
“It’s a remarkable achievement to have one foot in the 18th century and another in the 21st, without losing one’s balance. This fourth in the “Emerging Revolutionary War” series turns the trick. Series editor Greenwalt has constructed an easy-to-read and understand summary of this pivotal moment without sacrificing scholarship. Lavishly illustrated, this book is a must for anyone who wants to understand exactly what happened and why it mattered, and why it resonates to this day. If you’re planning a visit to Valley Forge, don’t forget to take it with you.”
SPECIAL OFFER: Order a copy of The Winter That Won the War using coupon code FREEMEDIASHIP today to receive free shipping and an original bookplate signed by the author! Read more about the book and order here now:
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HAPPY AUTHOR, GREAT BOOK! Here, you see author Brian Swartz holding a copy of the latest Emerging Civil War Series release: Passing Through the Fire: Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain in the Civil War.
Drawing on Chamberlain’s extensive memoirs and writings and multiple period sources, historian Swartz follows Chamberlain across Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Virginia while examining the determined warrior who let nothing prevent him from helping save the United States.
SPECIAL OFFER: Order a copy of this book using coupon code FREEMEDIASHIP today to receive free shipping. Click here to order:
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ONE OF OUR FAVORITE types of emails to open is that with an author holding a copy of their brand new book. We wanted to let you in on that feeling.
Here, you see the editors of Summer of ’63: Gettysburg: Favorite Stories and Fresh Perspectives from the Historians at Emerging Civil War, Chris Mackowski and Dan Welch, holding copies of their latest ECW endeavor.
This HARDCOVER is a compilation of favorite ECW pieces, anthologized, revised, and updated, together with several original ones. Each entry includes original and helpful illustrations.
This entertaining study contextualizes the major 1863 campaigns in what arguably was Civil War’s turning-point summer. Try it, you won’t regret it.SPECIAL OFFER: Order a copy of this book using coupon code FREEMEDIASHIP today to receive free shipping. Click here to order:
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From Theodore Savas:
I attached list of books that are CURRENTLY at the printer (some new ones, many reprints). We have several more not on the list that GO IN to the printer within a few weeks.
AND, we have 12 pallets (that’s a dozen for my math-challenged friends) containing Bearss’ Vicksburg sets, Bachelder Papers sets, and Bachelder’s Gettysburg History hitting the office third week of August.
Anyone want to come and help us? Or I should say, help the SB Ladies? I am going to supervise.
(Bonus points to folks who can pick all of the ECW-related titles from Ted’s list!)