Week In Review: October 25-31, 2021
Monday, October 25:
Question of the Week followed the theme of “First Experience Under Fire.”
Under Fire: Jon Tracey wrote about Mark Twain’s brief experience with the militia.
Tuesday, October 26:
Kevin Pawlak shared about the Army of the Potomac’s third campaign.
Under Fire: Chris Mackowski posted about John Haley and the 17th Maine.
Patrick Young from The Reconstruction Blog wrote about the drafting of Alabama’s Constitution.
Wednesday, October 27:
Symposium Spotlight: Garry Adelman will be the keynote speaker at ECW’s 2022 Symposium.
Jon Tracey wrote about Henry Fleming in The Red Badge of Courage.
Under Fire: Guest author Jeff T. Giambrone shared his research about a soldier in the 89th Illinois Infantry.
Thursday, October 28:
Sarah Kay Bierle wrote about clues for the unnamed campaign in The Red Badge of Courage.
Sheritta Bitikofer posted “A Scene of “Horrible Barbarity.”
Bert Dunkerly and Doug Crenshaw’s presentation about Joe Johnston from the 2021 ECW Symposium airs on C-SPAN this weekend!
Friday, October 29:
Under Fire: Chris Mackowski highlighted the 60th Ohio at Spotsylvania Court House.
The October 2021 ECW Newsletter is now available online or in your inbox!
From the ECW Archives: Walking in the Footsteps of The Red Badge of Courage.
Saturday, October 30:
Saving History Saturday: Historic Beaufort church receives grant for preservation.
Under Fire: A BookChat with Joe Owens examines Hood’s Texas Brigade’s first battle experience.
Sunday, October 31:
Weekly Whitman: Meg Groeling posted “To a Historian.”