Book Review: Trouble, Trials, and Vexations: The Journal and Correspondence of Rachel Perry Moores, Texas Plantation Mistress

Trouble, Trials, and Vexations: The Journal and Correspondence of Rachel Perry Moores, Texas Plantation Mistress. Edited By Thomas W. Cutrer. Kerrville, TX: State House Press, 2024. Paperback, 388 pp. $39.95.

Reviewed by Greg M. Romaneck

“I never felt sadder than when seeing my husband drive off this morning. An indestructible gloom settled over me as he ordered his buggy, though he left only for two days then at the outside. I think ladies who have no children are more foolish about their husbands…” (36) These words, written by a loving wife and supposedly consigned to the secret realm of her diary, are, in many ways, representative of the abiding spousal love one Texas plantation mistress held in her heart. That mistress was Mrs. Rachel Perry Moores, a woman of strong character, deeply rooted faith, and, unfortunately, a body that would be prone to dire illness throughout her life. It is this multi-faceted woman that editor Thomas W. Cutrer presents to his readers in Trouble, Trials, and Vexations, a book that lays open the thoughts of a woman who was insightful, spiritual, imperfect, and resilient.

Through long and detailed work Cutrer has compiled a combination of Rachel Moores’ diary entries, her correspondence, and some letters written to her by her husband, David, and other family members. In these primary sources, readers will learn about a wide range of daily occurrences. Fully half of the book deals with Moores’ writings during the two years before the Civil War.

Those pages are filled with information about Rachel Moores’ manifold health issues.  Unfortunately for Rachel Moores, she was not blessed with good health. Moores’ illnesses took many forms and received several diagnoses. Among the many symptoms that Moores endured were boils, ulcerations of her throat and mouth, dyspepsia, chronic low-grade fevers, uterine pain, joint issues, bowl infections, and chronic generalized pain. Among the many doctors Moores sought out, not one of them could make either an accurate diagnosis or offer any meaningful palliative care.

This search for medical solutions dominates the first half of this book and is an ongoing theme throughout the pages of the entire work. Such chronic pain had a tremendous impact upon Rachel Moores’ life. On page after page, Mrs. Moores writes about her health and does so in an almost tragic manner. In one entry Moores declares, “Was poorly all morning. I did not feel better until after my evening’s ride. Surely I will fall soon from my present feeling. Sometimes I feel it pleasant—Oh so pleasant to die. To lay down all pain and care. Oh, what is an invalid’s life? Why is it even prized by him?” (54) In another diary entry Rachel Moores turns to her faith to attempt to cope with severe corporeal discomfort, “Oh God, prepare my heart to meet Thee. I feel as if I can’t stand my sufferings much longer.” (52) Over time Moores came to have periods of relief from her illnesses, but another central focus of this book was also painful for her, and it took the form of human slavery.

Rachel Moores and her husband were the owners of a large northeastern Texas plantation with dozens of slaves who did most of the work on it. While Rachel Moores was not a proponent of secession and did not particularly relish being a slaveowner, she did little to ameliorate the lives of the people she claimed as property. In fact, when slaves are mentioned by Moores, they generally are seen as commodities or irritants.

Moores typically avoided meting out corporal punishment to her slaves, but she was often frustrated by them, “Oh, I speak again of cruelty to disobedient servants. They know I can’t and won’t whip them, and thus they treat me and I dislike telling David. I wish the set of slaves I have belonged to some abolitionist.” (53) On another day Moore declared, “if this war should result only in the emancipations of the Negros, I should take delight at the trophy provided they were sent off for colonization. They are little else but a nuisance.” (197) Sometimes Moores’ frustrations with her slaves left her with a sense that being a plantation mistress was an unwanted burden, “Sometimes I really wish somebody’s emancipation proclamation would take effect and rid me of the nasty, troublesome ‘Africans,’” she expressed(286)

Both Rachel Moores and her husband survived the conflict. Mrs. Moores’ religious faith and love of her spouse allowed her to cope with the vast changes wrought by the Confederate surrender. For Rachel Moores, her abiding faith helped her to retain a degree of happiness even her illnesses and defeats could not dim. Late in this book Moores reflected on the spiritual beauty of the world that surrounded and awaited her: “As I walked through the fields a few moments ago, I felt inspired by a new love of Him who created the outer blue, the bright sunshine, and every other beautiful thing that produces pleasurable emotions.” (278)

Rachel Moores’ published collection of writings adds to an already robust library of those produced by elite slaveholding women. Put to paper, Moores’ shared thoughts provide readers with an important perspective on issues that are in some cases both familiar (chronic pain) and distant (slavery), but that have cast long shadows through history into our present times.


Greg M. Romaneck is retired after working for 34 years as a professional educator and consultant. During those years he held positions such as special education teacher, assistant principal, elementary principal, adjunct professor, director of special education, student teaching supervisor, and associate superintendent. Mr. Romaneck has also trained as a counselor and worked in areas such as crisis intervention, mediation, problem solving, and conflict resolution.  Greg has had several books and numerous articles published on a variety of subjects such as Education, Psychology, Self-Improvement, Backpacking, Eastern Philosophy, Civil War history, Poetry, and Bible studies. Greg has also had nearly 3,500 book reviews published by, a popular source of information for educators, librarians, and parents regarding books for younger readers and has reviewed Civil War books for four decades for a variety of publications and magazines. Most recently Greg was the featured book reviewer for more than a decade with the Civil War Courier. Greg resides in DeKalb, Illinois and enjoys spending time with his family & friends, hiking, kayaking, backpacking, reading, and writing.


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