Emerging Civil War Series Footnotes/Endnotes/Citations
The Aftermath of Battle: The Burial of the Civil War Dead by Meg Groeling: Endnotes and Sources
The Carnage Was Fearful: The Battle of Cedar Mountain, August 9, 1862 by Michael E. Block: Footnotes
Dawn of Victory: Breakthrough at Petersburg, March 25-April 2, 1865
by Edward S. Alexander: Footnotes and Sources
Determined to Stand and Fight: The Battle of Monocacy, July 9, 1864 by Ryan Quint: Footnotes, Errata, and Sources
Don’t Give an Inch: The Second Day at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863—from Little Round Top to Cemetery Ridge by Chris Mackowski, Kristopher D. White, and Daniel T. Davis: Footnotes
A Fine Opportunity Lost: Longstreet’s East Tennessee Campaign, November 1863–April 1864 by Col. Ed Lowe (ret.): Footnotes
Force of a Cyclone: The Battle of Stones River, December 31, 1862–January 2, 1863 by Caroline Ann Davis and Robert M. Dunkerly: Endnotes
Grant’s Last Battle: The Story Behind The Personal Memoirs of Ulysses S. Grant by Chris Mackowski: Footnotes, Sources, and Errata
Grant’s Left Hook: The Bermuda Hundred Campaign, May 5–June 7, 1864 by Sean Michael Chick: Citations and Bibliography
The Great Battle Never Fought: The Mine Run Campaign, November 26-December 2, 1863 by Chris Mackowski: Footnotes
Hell Itself: The Battle of the Wilderness, May 5-7, 1864 by Chris Mackowski: Footnotes
Hellmira: The Union’s Most Infamous Civil War Prison Camp–Elmira, NY by Derek Maxfield: Footnotes
The Last Road North: A Guide to the Gettysburg Campaign, 1863 by Robert Orrison and Dan Welch: Footnotes
Lincoln Comes to Gettysburg: The Creation of the Soldiers’ National Cemetery and Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address by Bradley M. Gottfried and Linda I. Gottfried: Citations
Man of Fire: William Tecumseh Sherman in the Civil War by Derek D. Maxfield: Citations
A Mortal Blow to the Confederacy: The Fall of New Orleans, 1864 by Mark F. Bielski: Footnotes
The Most Desperate Acts of Gallantry: George A. Custer in the Civil War by Daniel T. Davis: Footnotes
Passing Through the Fire: Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain in the Civil War by Brian Swartz: Footnotes
Six Miles from Charleston, Five Minutes to Hell: The Battle of Secessionville, June 16, 1862 by James A. Morgan: Footnotes and Bibliography
Strike Them a Blow: Battle Along the North Anna River, May 21-26, 1864 by Chris Mackowski: Footnotes and Sources
That Field of Blood: The Battle of Antietam, September 17, 1862 by Dan Vermilya: Notes
They Came Only to Die: The Battle of Nashville, December 15–16, 1864 by Sean Michael Chick: Notes
Traces of the Bloody Struggle: The Civil War at Stevenson Ridge, Spotsylvania Court House by Chris Mackowski: Footnotes and Sources
To Hell or Richmond: The 1862 Peninsula Campaign by Doug Crenshaw and Drew A. Gruber: Notes and Sources
Unlike Anything that Ever Floated: The Monitor and Virginia, and the Battle of Hampton Roads, March 8-9, 2021 by Dwight Stuertevant Hughes: Sources and Citations
Looking for the footnotes to John Brown’s Raid.
The footnotes for Blood-tinted Waters of the Shenandoah are not posted.
I cannot locate the footnotes and sources for Race to the Potomac.
Thank you.