On Location: The Wounding of Joe Johnston
Back in January, ECW contributor Doug Crenshaw did some research for us on the location of Joe Johnston’s wounding at the battle of Seven Pines. While visiting the Richmond-area battlefields with him earlier this month, we decided to go On Location at Seven Pines to take a closer look at the spot.
For more information:
The battle of Seven Pines (called “Fair Oaks” by the Confederates) took place May 31-June1, 1862, just outside Richmond, Virginia. The Civil War Trust offers a great summary.
Nothing remains of the battlefield itself, which is on the outskirts of Richmond International Airport. However, the folks at Richmond National Battlefield can answer questions for visitors looking for more information.
Johnston’s wounding serves as one of the major turning points of the war, which Kris White explores in ECW’s upcoming book Turning Points of the American Civil War, part of the “Engaging the Civil War” Series ECW is publishing in partnership with Southern Illinois University Press. The book is set for a fall 2017 release.
Doug Crenshaw’s upcoming Emerging Civil War Series release, Richmond Shall Not Be Given Up! The Seven Days’ Battles, explores the immediate aftermath of Johnston’s wounding and Robert E. Lee’s ascension to command. Watch for it this spring.
Yes, a fateful wounding indeed.
Civil War Trust where are you ?