ECW Weekender: Frederick Douglass’s Grave & Rochester, NY
Looking for some historic sites to visit to remember the life and legacy of Frederick Douglass?
We were looking through our archives and found this post by Chris Mackowski, complete with a video and list of locations to explore. It would a perfect weekender trip anytime of the year, but especially during Black History Month.
On Location: Frederick Douglass

Back before the construction of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge, southern Anne Arundel and Calvert Counties on the western shore of the Bay were popular summer resort locations for DC area residents. Douglass’ son Charles developed an area just outside of Annapolis now known as the town of Highland Beach for African-Americans. He built a home there that I guess was intended for his father but it wasn’t completed until after his death in 1895. The house is now operated by the town as a museum and cultural center.