Help Protect More Ground at Appomattox

Our friends at the Civil War Trust pass along this news of an active preservation campaign to help preserve seventy-four acres of ground at Appomattox Court House. This latest announcement comes to us from Trust President Jim Lighthizer. Continue reading to see how you can get involved in this preservation effort.

“Maj. Gen. Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain and his mixed brigade of New Yorkers and Pennsylvanians were up early on the morning of April 9, 1865. Marching toward the sound of firing, the Federals could only guess what might lie in front of them. Chamberlain’s men advanced in line of battle, up a ridge. As they crested the ridge, “there burst upon our vision a mighty scene.” It was the last stalwarts of the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia, holding their last battle line. As the Yankees advanced farther—there was—not much killing, or even hurting”—a solitary figure on horseback appeared, bearing aloft a white flag. General Robert E. Lee and his vaunted army had surrendered. The Civil War—at least in Virginia—had at last come to a close.

I am writing today to ask for your help to save hallowed ground at Appomattox Court House, one of the most important places in American history. These 74 acres—three properties which include a portion of the ground over which Chamberlain and his men made their last charge of the war—are adjacent to Civil War Trust-preserved land and to Appomattox National Historical Park; one is a small-but-important property in the very heart of the park.

We have raised more than half of the funds needed to reach our goal of $386,500 and secure this land forever. Will you help us meet our goal? You are a key part in the fight to save our history. You are helping to ensure that future generations will be able to walk this land and understand the story of what took place here.

Please help us reach the finish line and reclaim these pieces of American history.

‘Til the Battle is Won,
Jim Lighthizer

P.S. We are more than halfway towards our goal to save 74 acres at Appomattox Court House. Help us preserve this land, forever.

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